


How do R&D Employees Perform Innovativeness: Examining Uncertainty, Psychological Safety, and Initiative




劉玉雯(Yuwen Liu)


心理安全 ; 主動性 ; 創新力 ; 不確定性 ; psychological safety ; initiative ; innovativeness ; uncertainty




38卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


107 - 124




本研究從多層次的角度出發,提出研發團隊成員創新力因環境不確定性而改變的研究模型,探討如何提升研發團隊成員們的創新力,期許研究結果能貢獻心理安全、主動性和創新力的文獻。本研究反映了團隊的外部環境的不確定性程度如何與個人心理安全交互作用以影響成員的主動性,進而影響創新力。本研究的樣本來自80個研發團隊的80個團隊主管和320位員工,採用多層級結構方程模型(MSEM)以及Monte Carlo bootstrapping統計方法。研究結果發現,研發人員的主動性在心理安全與創新力之間的關係中存在中介效果。另外,團隊的外在環境的不確定性程度顯著負向調節主動性在心理安全及創新力之間的中介效果,亦即不確定性的調節中介(moderated mediation)的效果是成立的。


We examine how psychological safety and initiative contribute to innovativeness from a multilevel perspective. We propose and test a contingent model of innovativeness, reflecting on how the levels of uncertainty interact with individual psychological safety to influence initiative, which in turn leads to innovativeness. Data were collected from 320 employees and 80 leaders from 80 R&D teams. Hypotheses were tested with multilevel structural equation modeling and Monte Carlo bootstrapping methods. Results indicated that individual initiative plays a mediating role in the relationship between psychological safety and innovativeness. The cross-level moderated mediation effect of uncertainty on the indirect effects of psychological safety on innovativeness via individual initiative was supported. The theoretical and practical implications of our research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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