


Does the Suppliers' CSR Engagement can Actually Satisfy Their Retailer Customer?




喬友慶(Yu-Ching Chiao);張鈺臻(Yu-Chen Chang);林鈞鏗(Chun-Chien Lin)


企業社會責任 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 長期導向 ; 競爭者辨識 ; corporate social responsibility ; customer satisfaction ; long-term orientation ; competitor identification




38卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


533 - 561






This study investigates how long-term orientation and competitor identification enhance the impact of suppliers' corporate social responsibility (CSR) on retail customer satisfaction by examining business-to-business scenarios according to stakeholder theory and signal theory. We collected data on 210 supplier-customer (retailer purchasing manager) dyads over a six-month period using a two-stage survey design (2019/6-2020/1) based on a sample of a multinational retail store's suppliers. Our empirical findings reveal that long-term orientation and competitor identification can enhance the impact of suppliers' CSR engagement on retail customer satisfaction. This study sheds light on CSR by further analyzing the three dimensions of subsequent customer satisfaction while exploring internal and external strategies to achieve competitive advantage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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