


Ethical Discipline and Corporate Governance of Confucian Firms: Two Case Studies




胡秀華(Hsiu-Hua Hu);常逸平(Yi-Ping Chang);劉世慶(Shih-Ching Liu);楊政學(Cheng-Hsueh Yang)


儒家 ; 儒商 ; 倫理紀律 ; 公司治理 ; 個案研究 ; Confucianism ; Confucian firms ; ethical discipline ; corporate governance ; case study




40卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


107 - 133






Ethical discipline is the important foundation of corporate governance, and the ethical element is the root of the establishment of ethical discipline, however, the ethical characteristic of each culture is difference. Hence, it is important to investigate how ethical thinking in different cultures shift ethical discipline. Through the literature we can find that previous researchers take less empirical research on ethical discipline which apply in corporate governance is established on Confucianism. Besides, in previous studies of Confucian firms, due to the researchers' background, only stress one dimension that Confucianism (ethical dimension) or business (managemental dimension). In the light of this, this study analyzes two representative contemporary Confucian firms through integrating approach of ethical and managemental dimension, and discusses firms how to build ethical discipline shifted by Confucianism to develop the unique corporate governance. This study concludes it can expand the previous literature and provide a reference for those firms that belong to Confucian culture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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