


Women's Model: The Duality of Yu Tai Xin Yong as Both a Textbook of Wife Rules and a Poetry Anthology




朱先敏(Chu Hsien-min)


玉臺新詠 ; 宮教 ; 女教 ; 宮體 ; 豔情詩 ; Yu tai xin yong ; education of women ; education of royal family ; female body ; erotic poetry




36期(2013 / 07 / 01)


37 - 74






This paper is mainly about a unique aspect of Yu tai xin yong that previously hasn't been noticed: a textbook of wife rules. There are many discussions between scholars about why and how Yu tai xin yong has been edited. However, if we focus on the poems and reconsider the book as an entirety, we find that it is not only a poetry anthology, but also a textbook teaching women how to be the perfect wife. Proof of this is in the preface and poems, which contain the same style of women in traditional textbooks of wife rules, such as Nu jie. The evaluation of Liang dynasty poetry shows its common themes to be that of vanity and eroticism. How can this kind of poetry mold women into perfect wives? Here we must note the way Liang poets wrote and their awareness of literature. For them, the over-sentimental way they used to describe women and those women's good quality are two different things. If we take a look at the way they interpreted the Book of Odes, we could see that they might be more open to writing poems about relationship between men and women than would presuppose. Finally, from the selection of poems in the anthology and the literature trends of the Liang dynasty, we can understand the editor's multiple intentions and see Yu tai xin yong as the reflection of that time.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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