


Textual Research by Ching Dynasty Confucianists, Huang Tsung-Hsi, Huang Tsung-Yen, Mao Chi-Ling and Hu Wei, on Theories of Hetu and Luoshu




陳詠琳(Yong-Lin Chen)


圖書易 ; 黃宗羲 ; 黃宗炎 ; 毛奇齡 ; 胡渭 ; Hetu ; Luoshu Huang Tsung-Hsi ; Huang Tsung-Yen ; Mao Chi-Ling ; Hu Wei




37期(2014 / 01 / 01)


109 - 153






Hetu and Luoshu were pretty popular in the Northern Sung Dynasty. Nevertheless, a lot of scholars in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties questioned about the origin and impartation of the Hetu and Luoshu of the Sung Dynasty. Unfortunately, no particular book discussing this issue appeared. It was Huang Tsung-Hsi’s Yi xue xiang shu lun that started to analyze Tu Shu Yi comprehensively, initiating the atmosphere of the textual research of Hetu and Luoshu in the Ching Dynasty. Afterwards, his younger brother, Huang Tsung-Yen, continued his theory and considered that Tu and Shu were like ancient local records. Mao Chi-Ling used the strict document textual criticism methodology to research Hetu and Luoshu. And Hu Wei’s Yi tu ming bian was the epitome of this school. The directions of the theories of these four scholars were categorized into three portions: presuming the original appearance of ancient Hetu and Luoshu, refuting the forced analogy and incoherence of Tu Shu Yi Xue as well as discussing the damage of Tu Shu Yi Xue to traditional Yi-ology, and tracing the origin and evolution of Hetu and Luoshu of the Sung Dynasty. Besides interpreting the four scholars’ criticisms on Hetu and Luoshu deeply, the directions of the theories of the four scholars were followed in the current study in order to find out the difference and sameness among their theories, explore the context of their academic heritage, and look into the development of the research of Tu Shu Yi Xue in the early Ching Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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