


The Consciousness of Shanshui in the Changing of the Existential Situation: An Investigation on the Problem of Liang-Jin Scholars Focusing on Guo Xiang's Zhuangzi Zhu




李雨鍾(Li Yu-zhong)


文本詮釋 ; 生存處境 ; 聖人 ; 山水 ; interpretation of text ; existential situation ; Shengren ; Shanshui




38期(2014 / 07 / 01)


1 - 40






Guo Xiang's Zhuangzi Zhu, as a classical Xuanxue work, is always valued by scholars, but on the problem of its empact on its own age, there is a conflict between the admiring attitude and blaming attitude. This essay tries to solve the above problem by distinguishing the different existential situations of Dong-jin and Xi-jin scholars, and at the same time, research in turn on the changing between Dong-jin and Xi-jin scholars by the clue of Zhuangzi Zhu. If we, to some extent, regard both the self-protecting style of Xi-jin scholars and the aesthetic activity of Dong-jin scholars as the hermeneutic behavior of certain existential sense, on the basic of text of Zhuangzi; then Guo Xiang's Zhuangzi Zhu, as a creative hermeneutic text, can correspond to both the two ages. For the one thing, we should make a deep research on the real existential situation of Xi-jin scholars. For the other, we should also be conscious about that how Guo Xiang, by his active hermeneutic working, transcended both his own existential situation and the original meaning of Zhuangzi, and build up a creative kind of political construction, which, after Xi-jin, due to the changing of existential situation caused by the Menfa politics, turned to provide rich resources for the aesthetic activity of Dong-jin scholars by the form of art spirit.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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