


A New Interpretation of the Image of Yan Yuan: A Discussion Centered around Jun Zi Wei Li, The Analects of Confucius and The Household Sayings of Confucius




許從聖(Syu Zong-sheng)


顏淵形象 ; 詮釋 ; 〈君子為禮〉 ; 《論語》 ; 《孔子家語》 ; The image of Yan Yuan ; Interpretation ; Jun Zi Wei Li ; The Analects of Confucius ; The Household sayings of Confucius




39期(2015 / 01 / 01)


1 - 41






In terms of the history of Confucianism, the "Image of Yan Yuan" is an issue of immense importance. This paper is an investigation into the "Image of Yan Yuan" and the multitude of different topics in Confucian thought that it implies, such as the Confucian definition of virtuous action, a model for the image of the life of a sage and the true meaning of the practice of ethics and morals among others. This paper focuses on ethical and moral practice when examining the ideologies expressed in Jun Zi Wei Li. In doing so, a better understanding of Yan Yuan's personal practice of ethics and morals can be given. Thus giving us a more complete understanding of the "si wu" taught to Yan Yuan by Confucius in the twelfth Chapter of The Analects of Confucius. From these teaching it can be seen that if one wishes to completely actualize "Ren" and "Li", then he must exist and function within society. Also, this paper takes a look into The Household sayings of Confucius and its discourse on Yan Yuan. This discourse can help expound upon that which was not touched upon within The Analects of Confucius. Through this expounding, more light can be shed upon the "Image of Yan Yuan" , which in turn shows how one's life should be lived and how to approach political life. This image in turn gives the world a concrete example of Confucianism in practice, and through this concrete example of Yan Yuan's "virtuous action", one can gain a deeper understanding of the these actions than through the use of abstract ideals and discourse. Through researching Confucian unearthed documents as well as interpreting writings passed down through time, a new and more complete understanding of the multiple meanings and values associated with "The image of Yan Yuan" has been reached. In doing so, the close relationship between moral and ethical practice and the life of a Confucian is made evident through this concrete example of Yan Yuan. Thus Augmenting the image of Yan Yuan's significance in the history of Confucian thought as well as offering a more complete understanding of the meaning of the content of the Confucian ethics, morals, character and virtue.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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