Traditional Chinese medicine theory takes "Heart" as the lord of Spirits, which rules over thought, memory and emotion. This point of view had been challenged by the modern anatomy. From then on, it is Heart or Brain takes control of the Spirits has been an important issue in traditional Chinese medicine. The thread of thought in the medical statement may be a direct way to present how did people understand the idea of "Brain", but it could not show the whole prospect of it. For this reason, we divide the development of the meaning of "Brain" into three stages. We want to present how people understood the concept of "Brain" indirectly with its development of meaning and words building in each stage. After that, we will compare it to the statement in medicine, religion and occultism. We try to explain this competition between "Brain" and "Heart" is not only a conflict of language, but also contention between the scalpel of science and the network of meaning. It is a war between Western modern knowledge system and traditional Chinese culture.