


A Review of later critiques of the Chen Brothers' poetry: From Chen Hao's Literature-Dao Correlation Theory and Features of his Poetry




劉振興(Liu Chen-hsing)


程顥 ; 程頤 ; 一元論 ; 樂 ; 洛學 ; 宋詩 ; Chen Hao ; Chen Yi ; Monism ; happiness ; Luo theory ; Song poetry




43期(2017 / 02 / 01)


1 - 47






When discoursing upon the development and history of Song Poetry, modern researchers often wedge Dao in a narrow position of the stark contrast to Literature, thereby adopting the Dualistic Pre-comprehension as their methodology. Furthermore, warnings such as "Literature is harmful to Dao", which was proposed by some of the Neo-Confucianist, and critiques such as "the rise of Luo school leading the decline of poetics", further consolidate the dualistic structure. Consequently, Song Poetry has for centuries been divided into a dichotomy between Literature and neo-Confucianism, the two seemingly different realms that are introduced at first. Such methodology may help grasp the historical development of Song poetry, yet it tends to overlook the correlation between Arts and Cultivation, and even cause misunderstandings. In such regard, this paper aims at providing an argument indicating that literature and Dao are not always conflicting. Taking Chen Brothers' theories as the example, this paper focuses mainly on Chen Hao's poems and Literature- Dao Correlation Theory, and then use Chen Yi's as a comparison. Chen Hao comported himself as Monist in his statement and regarded "Happiness" as the ideal state for both self-cultivation and artistic expression. Although he emphasized on the supremacy of Dao, he also affirmed the importance of aesthetic expression. In this way, he did not only make literature and Dao monolithic but also expand space for further development of Song Poetry. On this ground, this paper will point out, when approaching neo-Confucian poems, it is inappropriate to use terms such as "baldness" or "Buddhists chant" to describe them. Furthermore, from the different points of view Chen Brothers held toward Literature and Dao, of which "Literature is the appearance of Dao" by Chen Hao and "Literature is used for conveying Dao" by Chen Yi, we will realize the interpretations of later critiques, which tied Chen Brothers' Literature-Dao Correlation Theories together, is inadequate.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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