


The Jokes of Literati and Officialdom in Jiang Yingke's The Harmonic History of Shei-Tao




謝佳瀅(Hsieh Chia-ying)


雪濤諧史 ; 士大夫 ; 笑話寓言 ; the harmonic history of shei-Tao ; scholar ; joke fable




44期(2017 / 07 / 01)


111 - 144






In this paper, I analyze the performance and the meaning of the scandal of the literati jokes in The Harmonic History of Shei-Tao, and how to show the reflection of the morality of the Ming Dynasty. In the first part, I discuss the jokes of "scholars", and the theme is "not Good at writing: weakening talents of scholars" and "pedantic: the disappearing morality of scholars", reflecting the dialectical relationship of "true scholar" and "pedantic". The "true scholar" is the ideal image pursued by the literati, but it is the "pedantic" in reality. In the second part, I discuss the jokes of "officials", focus on the theme of "to lobby illegally: the abuse of officials request another's help", "to usurp power for personal motives: the power of the officials' dictatorship" and "to be greedy for money: the trend of officials seeking wealth greedily". Reflecting the image of the officials, the popularity of such scholars' image at the time, and this is the irony and allegorical implication of the object in joke fables on superficial. In addition, such joke fables also reflect the Ming Dynasty's official system on the other hand, academic status and background, etc., to show the middle meaning of joke fables; and deep meaning reflects the weaknesses and advantages of human nature. Although there is no lack of the description of pursuit of fame, benefit and power, there are still positive human nature about introspection and opposition to the power of infinite expansion.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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