


The Gaze of Modernism: The Modern Layout Arrangement of The Young Companion




黃國華(Ng Kok-hwa)


《良友》 ; 現代性 ; 視覺性 ; Art Deco ; 排版 ; 分類 ; 百貨公司 ; The Young Companion ; modernity ; visuality ; Art Deco ; layout arrangement ; partitions ; column ; department store




44期(2017 / 07 / 01)


145 - 189




目前關於《良友》畫報現代性與視覺性的討論,多關注《良友》的圖像「表面」。然而《良友》的現代性,實有另一個重要且容易被忽略的發掘面向,即隱匿在這些圖像背後、一套編排分類的邏輯。作為中國第一份綜合性大型畫報的《良友》,為了有效應對紛沓而來的視覺資訊,使讀者有一次博而有次的觀看,故作出欄位分類、目錄設置和裝飾藝術風(Art Deco)的排版。《良友》這三個面向的分類與編排,如同晚清民初中國人接觸萬國博覽會和百貨公司(當時人作出「大報猶如百貨商店」的譬喻),暗中引導讀者習得一種博物學式的視線。觀看者能輕而易舉地收納龐雜知識,其視覺結構、思維路徑和身體感覺發生極大的重組與顛覆,促使「現代」得以順利發生。筆者首先分析《良友》欄位分類和目錄設置,認為《良友》精確而零碎化的看圖模式,訓練讀者將世界「格子化」加以理解,且造就「現代人」的氣質。其次,筆者將觀察一場20 世紀20 年代法國博覽會而引介各城市的Art Deco 現代美學,如何侵入《良友》排版,促使《良友》作出迷戀幾何、數學性的現代編排。本文所強調的觀點有二:1.《良友》畫報參與了上海現代視線的建構工程,且是當時中國讀者頗為關注的平面媒體,使《良友》得以最經濟方式,引導讀者反復操演這種視線;2.《良友》抽象的編排分類,實比表面圖像更具有現代性建構效力,因讀者難以察覺,也無從抗拒。


Research about "The Young Companion" on its modernity and visuality often focused on the surface of its illustrations. Yet behind those topics, there lies a hidden logic of layout arrangement, which was often overlooked by current research. As the first large-scaled illustration magazine published in China, "The Young Companion" altered their outlook to better suit the increasing amount of visual content, so to let their readers to have clear view on the magazine. They have added three particular features, mainly partitions, contents arrangement and the Art Deco. These features allowed their readers to develop a naturalist's gaze, which is quite similar to the Chinese who got in touch with Universal Exposition and department store in late Qing Dynasty and the early years of Republic of China. Through these features, the thinking and reading structure of the readers have changed drastically, thus allowing them to be able to receive massive information effortlessly, and this led to the advent of "modernity". Firstly, I will discuss about how the partitions and the content arrangement of "The Young Companion" underlied a precise yet fragmentary illustration-viewing method, which had affected the readers to comprehend the world in a similar "boxed-viewing" way, thus developed the "modernity" within the readers. Then, the article focuses on how a 1920's French Exposition which showcased modernity aesthetics from different cities, influenced on geometrical and mathematical layout arrangement of "The Young Companion". Above all, this article argues that firstly, "The Young Companion" had influenced the construction on "gaze of modernity" in Shanghai, as it can be easily done by just reading the magazine. Since it was quite popular among the Chinese readers, it was the most economical way to guide the readers to practice the "gaze of modernity" repeatedly. Secondly, the abstract layout arrangement of this illustration magazine is more effective in constructing "modernity" compared to the surface of its illustrations, as the readers are affected unconsciously through mere reading, thus making it irreversible.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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