Luo Jin Xi's thought is extensive, so it is difficult to describe the whole picture of his Gongfu theory. After Mou Zong San claimed "po guang jing" as "wu gong fu de gong fu", otherwise, Gong Peng Cheng and Wu Zhen noticed that Jin Xi had reverence toward "tianxin". These two statements have a tense relationship, so I think there is a need to re-review his Gongfu theory. This article tries to rethink the goal of Jin Xi's Gongfu theory. I choose that the sentence "fu qi jian tian di zhi xin" as the clue. In Jin Xi's articles, the words about "tian di zhi xin", "tianxin", "fu yi zi zhi", " zhong xing du fu" are often seen. The first two are about Ontology theory, and the two latter are about Gongfu theory. The sentence "fu qi jian tian di zhi xin" can connect Ontology theory and Gongfu theory. The second chapter is the discussion of "tian di zhi xin". The third chapter is the discussion of "Fu" in Jin Xi's Gongfu theory. The fourth chapter is about the problem of " guang jing" and its' real meaning. The last chapter sums up the relationship between "Fu", "po guang jing" and "jie shen kong ju".