


The Changes and Causes of Radicals in Shuowen Jiezi and Kangxi Zidian: Taking the Radical "Rice" as an Example




林宗翰(Lin Zong-han)


《說文解字》 ; 《康熙字典》 ; 米部 ; 收字原則 ; 部首歸併 ; Shuowen Jiezi ; Kangxi Zidian ; radical "rice" ; character collection principles ; consolidation of radicals




51期(2021 / 02 / 01)


1 - 75






In the history of compilation of ancient Chinese dictionaries, Shuowen Jiezi (Explaining Graphs and Analyzing Characters) is the first dictionary arranged according to radicals, and Kangxi Zidian (Kangxi Dictionary) is an integration and the pinnacle of ancient Chinese dictionaries in various dynasties. Because of the gradual emergence and evolution of characters in response to the needs of the times and society, dictionaries have proliferated and developed successively, and the compiling styles and methods have gradually become systematic and standardized. The changes and the reasons for them are worth exploring. This paper takes the radical "rice" in these two dictionaries as the research subject, and sorts out changes in character collection, character order arrangement, classification items, and radical classification to explore the development track. Also, supplementations are made by referring to other important dictionaries. There are four points about the changes of the radical "rice" in the two dictionaries: 1. Character collection status: Shuowen Jiezi contains forty-two characters (including six newly added ones); Kangxi Zidian has 358 characters (including four supplemented characters and thirty-four for reference). 2. Character order arrangement: Shuowen Jiezi is arranged according to close meaning; Kangxi Zidian is arranged according to the number of strokes apart from the radicals. 3. Classification items: Shuowen Jiezi divides characters with the radical "rice" into six categories: "according to processing quality," "according to product quality," "indicating a certain state of rice," "food related to rice," "extended application of rice," and "behaviors related to rice". In addition to the six categories above, Kangxi Zidian adds a dozen more, such as "filth," "grain husk," "rice dumpling," "dessert," and "others". 4. Classification of radicals: Among the characters in Shuowen Jiezi recorded in Kangxi Zidian, there are differences in the radical classification between the radicals and the subordinate characters. By drawing an example table, this paper discusses the process and reasons for changes of radicals from Shuowen Jiezi to Kangxi Zidian.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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