


The Reception and Revision of Mao Kun's Compiled Transcriptions of the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song: A Case Study on Zhang Boxing's Compiled Transcriptions of the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song




蔡定昌(Tsai Ting-chang)


唐宋八大家 ; 張伯行 ; 茅坤 ; 評語比較 ; 文道觀 ; The Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song ; Zhang Boxing ; Mao Kun ; comparison with criticism ; concept of writing and Dao




52期(2021 / 07 / 01)


227 - 272






"The Eight Great Masters' of Tang and Song" is a crucial term in Chinese literary history. The best-known anthology of the eight great literary masters of the Tang and Song's essays was collected by Mao Kun which was living in Ming dynasty. During Qing dynasty, Zhang Boxing also compiled The Eight Literature Masters' Anthologies of Tang and Song, using the exact same title as Mao Kun's anthology. This article compares Zhang and Mao's editions and contains a tripartite discussion of their differences. The first aspect of this discussion focuses on the Mao and Zhang's different compilation standards and purposes. Mao Kun intended to promote his claims about literature, which were supported by the Tang-Song school, and give students a model for the Imperial examination. The second part of the discussion focuses on Zhang Boxing's ideal of "acquiring knowledge and comprehending the whole truth." Furthermore it highlights how Mao and Zhang shared similar views of Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, and Ouyang Xiu, but was differed in their views of Zeng Gong, Wang Anshi, and the Su family. The final part of this paper discusses how Zhang Boxing disagreed with and criticized numerous of Mao Kun's comments, and even deleted some of Mao's remarks. In light of the above discussion, we can see with certainty that, because Zhang Boxing's vision of "classical literature and Dao" opposed Mao Kun's, Zhang therefore hoped that his anthology would replace Mao's.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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