


Two Types of Discourses on "the Unification of the Five Religions" in Early Republican China: The Cases of Gilbert Reid and Dao Yuan, 1921-1927




黎秉一(Li Ping-i)


五教合一 ; 尚賢堂 ; 救世團體 ; 宗教融合 ; 侯雪舫 ; The Unification of the Five Religions ; The International Institute of China ; Redemptive Societies ; Religious Fusion ; Hou Xuefang




52期(2021 / 07 / 01)


371 - 416






This paper examines the discourses on "the unification of the five religions" in the early Republican period, using the activities of Gilbert Reid, an American Christian missionary, and Dao Yuan, a redemptive society, as case studies. Despite the fact that both Reid and Dao Yuan advocated for the unification of the "five religions" (Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, and Islam), I argue that they in fact sought two different types of unification, which I identify as "united as one" and "converged into one." The former is the stance taken by Gilbert Reid, who advocated for the union of religions in China, attempting to resolve conflicts at the level of international relations via improving interreligious relations. The latter approach is what Dao Yuan maintained in its texts produced by spirit-writing, which adhere to the primary belief that the five religions share the same source-Dao-and thus all religions are supposed to converge into one so as to trace back to the Dao. This paper shows that the two parties' disparate visions of "the unification of the five religions" had different discursive functions. Gilbert Reid's undertaking of uniting the religions in China was to enable Christianity to stand on an equal footing when facing other major Chinese religions, and thus have a source legitimacy that would allow it to respond to anti-missionary riots and anti-Christian movements. Conversely, by claiming that the Dao is "para-religious," Dao Yuan sought to proselytize to the followers of Christianity and Islam, which were at the time increasingly influential in Chinese society. These efforts indeed succeeded in attracting some Christians and Muslims to participate in Dao Yuan activities while keeping their original religious identities. I present a notable Dao Yuan figure, Hou Xuefang, as an example to explore the dual identity of "being a Christian in Dao Yuan," and analyze the text of his speech, addressed on behalf of Dao Yuan to Gilbert Reid, along with Reid's indirect response, to reflect on their mutual understanding as well as misreadings of one another. In so doing I distinguish the major differences in their discourses on the unification of the five religions.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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