


A Multitude of Worries, Suffering in Body and Mind: On the Retreat Mentality and Written Depictions of Physical Illness in Ouyang Xiu's Biao and Zhazi (表劄) Written for his Retirement after 1067




張鑫誠(Zhang, Xin Cheng)


歐陽脩 ; 致仕 ; 治平四年 ; 表體 ; 劄子 ; Ouyang Xiu ; Retirement ; ZhiPing four years(1067) ; BIAO TI(表體) ; ZHAZI(劄子) ; Diabetes




53期(2022 / 02 / 01)


43 - 91






Using Ouyang Xiu's biao and zhazi written for retirement as its entry point, this paper examines Ouyang Xiu's difficult journey from 1067, when he was humiliated and asked for retirement, to 1071, when he retired in Caizhou. The external pressure for Ouyang Xiu's request to retire mainly came from the public criticism after the "Puyi" and the elder daughter-in-law's case, which damaged his reputation and afflicted him in both body and mind. After Emperor Shenzong (宋神宗) ascended the throne, Ouyang Xiu was not included by Wang Anshi, and was all the more determined to retire. Along with Ouyang Xiu's character and thoughts on life, this paper explores his mentality when seeking retirement in his biao and zhazi written for the purposes of retiring. (1) Ouyang Xiu adhered to the Confucian scholar-spirit, paid attention to fame, feared the public opinion at that time, and, after the "Puyi" and the elder daughter-in-law's case, intended to retire to save his reputation. (2) Ouyang Xiu upheld the idea that his career should abide by the principle of "enough is enough." (3) Ouyang Xiu's original intention was to reject any neglect of duty. His introspection reveals itself in his writings, which often show the self-abnegation due to being unable to undertake important tasks on accounts of the limits of his ability and his failing physical health. Taking into account the theory of traditional Chinese medicine as well as the insights of modern medicine, the written description of physical ailment in Ouyang's biao and zhazi for retirement are investigated and analyzed in detail in this paper. The paper finds that Ouyang Xiu mainly wrote about his diabetes, ophthalmopathy, and sarcopenia in his writings after 1067. Meanwhile, sarcopenia, ophthalmopathy, arthritis, and other diseases may be caused by "xiaoke," a classical Chinese medical diagnosis closely related to diabetes. In his biao and zhazi written for retirement, we often see Ouyang Xiu under the attack of public opinion, psychological exhaustion and trauma, and even suffering from amnesia. In Ouyang Xiu's writing about illness, he shows his pain and fear under the reality that "the more glorious one's official post, the heavier one's responsibilities" and "the older one gets, the more one suffers from illness," which were external reflections of his desire to preserve his reputation, his refusal to neglect his duties, and his wish not to die.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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