


A Study of Ye Mende's narrative style of "Commemorative writing of burying the withered bones in Jiankang city." and The Topic of Ye Mengde's Record Style Essay




郭力中(Kuo Li-chung)


葉夢得 ; 建康掩骼記 ; 南京 ; 建康 ; 南宋 ; Ye Mengde ; "The Commemorative Text In Jiankang City's Withered Bones" ; Record Style Essay ; burying bones activity




53期(2022 / 02 / 01)


93 - 132






The study focuses on "Commemorative writing of burying the withered bones in Jiankang city.", which is written by Ye Mengde(1077-1148)during the early period of Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279). This narrative style writings was used to commemorate the victims of Jiankang City during Song-Jin Wars. The unique point of the article could be found in three aspects: (1) The narrative style of writing, (2) The theme of commemorating the victims. (3) The author, Ye Mengde's identity. Since the withered bones is symbolized as the trouble times, the event of burying victims represents the declaration that the holy king is showing up and will lead the civilians to the well-regulated world. In order to show the absolute authority, most of these article should be written by the emperor. However, "Commemorative writing of burying the withered bones in Jiankang city." is written by Ye Mengde, a literati and a magistrate in Jiankang City. Ye Mende had wrote down the invasion of Jurchen, and unlike other kinds of commemorative theme, this article is documented of burying the unknown victims. However, this essay is not only the commemoration of the victims, but also has an emphasis on the city transformation from ruins to revival. It not only shows the transformation of the city, but also the expectation that Song empire could finally defeat the Jurchen regime, just like the city recovered from the damage. The article address a clear message: Although Jin had an military advantage right now, but Song empire, which is virtuous than Jurchan, would finally defeat them, and recover the territory from Jin's control. By the writing background, the purpose of the article is not just a moral symbol, but to against the Jin's invasion. The study discuss the phenomenon that imply the political stance of promoting military way to confront Jurchen's invasion, instead of being compromised by peace treaty, which was violating the political reality at that time.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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