


James Legge's Interpretation of Zhu Xi's Commentary on Licentious Poems




洪昱函(Hung Yu-han)


理雅各 ; 《中國經典》 ; 淫詩 ; 朱熹《詩》學 ; 《詩經》 ; James Legge ; The Chinese Classics ; licentious poem ; Zhu Xi's theory of poetry ; The Book of Poetry




54期(2022 / 07 / 01)


131 - 170






This paper centers on James Legge's interpretation of Zhu Xi's commentary on the so-called licentious poems in The Chinese Classics: The She King. Beginning with an examination of Legge's academic background, this paper identifies external factors that influenced Legge's understanding of The Book of Poetry. It then undertakes a further analysis of how Legge received the poems identified as licentious by Zhu Xi, the comments Legge made concerning them. Legge accorded with Zhu Xi's interpretations of eleven of the twenty-three ostensibly licentious poems, but had a different take with the other twelve. Legge's Scottish background afforded him the flexibility to interpret these ancient poems in a way that broke free from the confinements of the Chinese commentarial tradition, particularly its emphasis on moral teachings in the sacred texts. Although he was familiar with abundant traditional commentaries, Legge's approach to using historical materials and his idea of "finding meanings in the ode itself" made him an independent translator whose viewpoint on the interpretation of The Book of Poetry was unique in his time. This paper provides findings related to Legge's perspective on the Chinese classics along with his stance and methodology in interpreting The Book of Poetry, contributing to research into James Legge specifically as well as Sino-western cultural relations at large.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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