


From Here to There: The Study on Lady White Bone Plots in The Journey to the West




陳昶融(Chen Chang-jung)


《西遊記》 ; 白骨夫人 ; 《大唐三藏取經詩話》 ; 《玄奘三藏渡天由來緣起》 ; 《新說西遊記》 ; 文本歷程 ; The Journey to the West ; Lady White Bone ; The Story with Poems of How Tripitaka of the Great Tang Fetched Sutra (Da Tang Sanzang qujing shihua) ; The Origin of Xuanzang Sanzang's Pilgrimage (Genjo Sanzo toten yurai engi) ; The New Interpretation of The Journey to the West (Xinshuo Xiyou Ji) ; the process of the text




55期(2023 / 02 / 01)


83 - 114






This article focuses on the importance of chapter twenty-seven in The Journey to the West in terms of two aspects, meaning and structure. Previous studies neglect to note that chapter twenty-seven is based on The Story with Poems of How Tripitaka of the Great Tang Fetched the Sutras (大唐三藏取經詩話). Lady White Bone traces back to this earlier text, which is shown to be the precursor for this demon and its magic. The moral of the chapter is then developed in the later plots. As Lady White Bone is the first obstacle faced after the team is completed, the relevant plots imply all the members need to improve upon their individual weaknesses. Additionally, this chapter brings out the miraculous effect of the Tang Monk's flesh; in subsequent chapters, demons who crave after the Tang Monk's immortality-bestowing flesh present a variety of obstacles. Most of the scholars see these demons as reflections of desire and believe that the overarching journey symbolizes the process of Sun Wukong's cultivation practice. However, Zhang Shu-shen of the Qing Dynasty claimed this demon was resulted from the only mortal in the novel, the Tang Monk. As a Confucian, Zhang Shu-shen believed the chapter twenty-seven was the key of The Journey to the West, because it showed how the novel was inspired by Confucianism. A noteworthy Japanese manuscript that also originated from Xuanzang's travel accounts, entitled The origin of Xuanzang Sanzang's Pilgrimage (玄奘三藏渡天由來緣起), is both popular and religious in nature. In its portions with plot elements similar to the story of Lady White Bone, the Japanese text differs in three ways: 1) In order to emphasize the value of lives, Lady White Bone is depicted as a white fox, instead of as a cadaver. 2) Each character is relatively flat. 3)This adaption clearly uses the plots to convey a Pure Land Buddhist message, and thus is not thematically united with the other stories. These three elements indicate that the Japanese version of the story evolved in its own way, due to the specific factors such as media, era, and audience.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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