


Seeing, Dandyism, and Modernity: Modern "Objects Writing" in Ouwai Ou's Poetry




蔡雨蒨(Tsai Yu-Chian)


鷗外鷗 ; 現代詩 ; 現代性 ; 物書寫 ; 新感覺派 ; Ouwai Ou ; Modern poetry ; Modernity ; Object Writing ; Neo-Sensationalism




55期(2023 / 02 / 01)


251 - 295






The "missing poet" Ouwai Ou (鷗外鷗, 1911-1995), long forgotten by the literary world, has recently received increasing attention from commentators. This paper intends to point out his noteworthy tendency of borrowing objects to create poetry; it analyzes how he wrote objects, explaining how his doing so was both "modern" and "poetic." Borrowing Busia's point of view, this paper argues that the reason why the various objects written by modern poets offer glimpses of "modernity" is often because the essential meaning inherent in the object creates "modernization," but rather becauseits extended (inessential) meaning conveys "the view and imagination from the modern day people." As a result, a new relationship drawn between people and objects. In Ouwai Ou's playful writings, we observed a new relationship between people and objects: objects are liberated from order and discipline, allowing them to be written into poetry in a lighter tone. Also, we are able to see through the lens of various disciplines representing modern science, observing the world through the use of objects. Ou's form of writing allows him to achieve "materialization" of his works through the combination of naming and various visual media. Furthermore, with regards Ou's style, we can observe the development of the Neo-Sensationalism (新感覺派) in the poetic world.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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