


A Study on Offenses Against Privacy of Article 315-1 of Criminal Code Basic on Decisions of the Courts


黃惠婷(Huang, Huei-Ting)


妨害秘密 ; 非公開 ; 他人 ; 身體隱私 ; 無故 ; Offences Against Privacy ; Non-Public ; Other ; Physical Privacy ; Without Reason




65卷3期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 28






According to the courts, the term "non-public" mentioned in Article 351-1 of Criminal Code means that the victim has expectations on privacy subjectively, and can take advantage of environment or use appropriate instruments to ensure the privacy of his activities. In addition to this, this paper considers that the situations that are objectively known or can be inferred to have privacy expectations should be included. In cases involving using GPS trackers, the courts believe that people can still expect their privacy is ensured even though they are situated in public areas, therefore using GPS trackers on people's car will be a violation of Article 351-1. Considering the multi-functions of GPS trackers, this paper tends to point out that the issue is which function was used. If the actor only uses the real time positioning services, he is infringing the privacy of others' activities. If the actor uses the trace recording services, he is infringing the privacy of others' personal information. Besides, the courts believe that the behavior of eavesdropping the content of conversation with others does not violate other people's privacy of correspondence. This opinion is questionable. The purpose of Article 315-1 is to guarantee people's freedom of privacy of correspondence. Therefore, people have the right not allow anyone else to disclose, save or change his non-public conversations. Also, according to the courts, the explanation of the term "other people" does not differ if the object is an activity, speech or physical privacy. Therefore, a participant of a conversation is not considered as an "other person" so the behavior of eavesdropping the content of the conversation is allowed while sneaking recording activities involving physical privacy is considered as a violation of this article, which causes uncertainty in the application of the law. Furthermore, due to the wording of eavesdrop and peep, the term "without reason" of this article should be considered as an element of affirmative defense.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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