


Study on the Content of Body Right and Health Right-Focusing on the Judgments Related to the "Gutter Oil Incident"


鄭育霜(Cheng, Yu-Shuang)


食品安全事件 ; 人格權 ; 慰撫金 ; 身體權 ; 健康權 ; Food Safety Related Incidents ; Personal Right ; Consolation Payment ; Body Right ; Health Right




65卷5期(2019 / 10 / 01)


168 - 187






The numerous food safety crises in Taiwan in the recent years induced generalized panic in the society. The "Gutter Oil Incident" in which conscienceless manufacturers mixed animal feed oil and waste oil to adulterate cooking oil and sold them on the market spanned through 2013-2014. Victims of gutter oil pursued their cases through consumer protection organizations, claiming that their personal rights were damaged by the ingestion of adulterated oils and demanded consolation payment. However, no obvious physiological symptoms were noted in victims after consuming the oils. In the rulings related to this incident, the courts agreed unanimously that the body rights and health rights of the victims were damaged because of ingesting the adulterates oils. Some rulings took a further step to affirm that the victims' "important consumer personal rights" and "food safety personal rights" were damaged because the adulterated oils interfered with their self-consciousness. This article will use the Gutter Oil Incident related rulings as a pivoting point to discuss the connotation of body rights and health rights. Furthermore, this article will review the meaning of "important consumer personal rights" and "food safety personal rights" to establish whether there is any benefit to defining them as individual personal rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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