


A Study of the Red Notice Mechanism and Its Impact-Taking International Cases as Examples


楊婉莉(Yang, Wan-Li)


緊急逮捕 ; 紅色通報 ; 國際刑警組織 ; 引渡 ; 逮捕令 ; Provisional Arrest ; Red Notice ; Interpol ; Extradition ; Arrest Warrant




66卷1期(2020 / 02 / 01)


107 - 149




近年來由於國際刑事合作密度增加,各國透過國家中央局轉請國際刑警組織發布紅色通報之個案,也隨之增多,加上該組織現有194個會員國,為僅次於聯合國最大的國際組織,國際影響力大,依紅色通報所進行之引渡合作,無疑是現今國際執法合作最大之利器之一;在此趨勢下,近幾年陸續發生國人在海外涉嫌從事跨境犯罪,而遭該組織發布紅色通報,進而遭第三國加以逮捕之個案,國人於海外人身自由受拘束之問題也因此備受重視,故有關紅色通報的效力以及其與引渡程序之關係,暨各國對紅色通報之立法政策及比較,均有研究之必要。本文就紅色通報機制以及其於各國內國法的效力,先予以比較探討,繼之以剛果訴比利時案以及Ocalan v Turkey案,探討紅色通報之性質及相關原則,最後就現行引渡制度之困境進行初步分析。


At the same time as international cooperation in criminal matters strengthened significantly via judicial and police channels, the number of cases for which each National Central Bureau (NCB) applied for an Interpol Red Notice also increased drastically. With a global membership of 194 countries, Interpol is the second largest political organization after the United Nations in terms of international representation. Therefore, the profound impact it has on the criminal law enforcement arena at both domestic and international levels will continue to influence how democracies enforce their own laws and rules. The extradition cooperation followed by the provisional arrest that is initiated by Interpol Red Notices is undoubtedly one of the most powerful but controversial tools used in international law enforcement cooperation. More than six hundred Taiwanese people suspected of engaging in cross-border telecom fraud had been extradited or repatriated to Mainland China since 2016, but it is unclear how many of whom had been put on the Interpol Red Notice of China's most-wanted list to initiate such action. However, such mass repatriation and extradition have given rise to concerns over human rights protection, as well as the transparency of the Red Notice mechanism. The relationship between provisional arrest under the Red Notice mechanism and its influence on domestic extradition procedures has attracted the full glare of press attention in the so-called "Greater China Economic Circle". This article first discusses the Interpol Red Notice mechanism and its influence on several jurisdictions at the domestic level, before turning to the international stage, where some international principles related to Red Notices are discussed. The case of Congo v. Belgium (ICJ) and the case of Ocalan v. Turkey (ECtHR), both of which relate to Red Notices, emerge as examples of balancing international law enforcement cooperation and human rights. Finally, some suggestions relating to the current extradition policy in Taiwan are addressed in this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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