


An Analysis of Guardians' Tortious Liabilities


謝昱(Hsieh, Yu)


他人行為責任 ; 未成年人 ; 法定代理人責任 ; 舉證責任 ; 免責抗辯 ; 管領力 ; Vicarious Liability ; Minor ; Parental Liability ; Burden of Proof ; Defense ; Concrete Control




66卷3期(2020 / 06 / 01)


80 - 102






The Tortious Liabilities of the guardians of the person who has no capacity/limited capacity to make juridical acts and has wrongfully damaged the rights of another are clearly stated in Article 187 of the Civil Law. However, the type of the guardians' responsibility (and whether they are vicarious liabilities) do not seem to be clearly known by the meaning of the law. Therefore, the reason why guardians are responsible is worthy of discussion. In addition, due to the changes in the structure of modern society, the family pattern has changed greatly. Parents may not be the guardians of the person who has no capacity/limited in capacity. The more common situation is that those people are disciplined by their grandparents or social welfare agencies. Thus, there is a question about whether these grandparents or social welfare agencies have the ability to discipline their children or wards. Besides, in litigation, the guardians have the obligation of proof of Article 187 (2) of the defense. However, in the past, most of the court decisions have refused to acknowledge the defense of the guardians, and believe that the guardians should have full control of their kids. These court decisions are worthy of further discussion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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