One of the justice principles for judging whether a criminal law is in danger of unconstitutionality is the "principle of equivalent crime and punishment". What is the specific connotation of the "principle of equivalent crime and punishment"? At present, the academic circles are more concerned about sentencing, and the rational concept of the "principle of equivalent crime and punishment" This article attempts to establish the specific criteria for judging the "principle of equivalent crime and punishment" based on the theory of legal interest. First of all, this article will analyze the revision history of the statutory penalties for rape/compulsory intercourse crimes in Japan twice, collate and analyze the theoretical insights in the revision process and the minutes of the Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice of Japan. In the process of revising the penalty, it explains how the theory of legal interest works, and then leads to the functional dispute of the theory of legal interest. Briefly explain how the theory of legal interest went from being a general insight in criminal law to being discarded. Even the opinion that the legislative purpose can completely replace the legal interest theory appears, but this article still believes that the legal interest theory has a decisive role in explaining the decision of legal punishment and the adjustment of legal punishment. Finally, I tried to put forward the specific criteria for judging the "principle of equivalent crime and punishment" from the point of view of legal interest theory.