


Discussion on the Dilemma and Solutions of Immediate Coercion from Using Police Weapons


陳英淙(Chen, Ying-Chung)


即時強制 ; 急迫性 ; 比例原則 ; 直接強制 ; 強制力 ; Immediate Coercion ; Urgent Situations ; Principle of Proportionality ; Direct Compulsory ; Compulsion




67卷6期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 21






The Act Governing the Use of Police Weapons is part of public law; however, the Article 12 adopts the concept of the Criminal Code to legal justification which is in confusion. As regards the use of police weapons, it includes not merely administrative prevention but criminal justice which stipulates in Subparagraphs 3 and 5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 4. Another confusion is the practice of justice usually only judge by the Act Governing the Use of Police Weapons which isn't subsumed under the Administrative Law or Criminal Law and results in an unclear system structure. This research discusses three-stage function of the Administrative Law: administrative task, administrative authority and administrative execution, and considers that using police weapons is not a conduct which performed in accordance with law or order. It should fall under the Administrative Law and expound the dilemma of immediate coercion in Taiwan. In addition, this research will analyze the misunderstanding of German Law, and construct the basic authorization and legality elements for using police weapons. The Code of Criminal Procedure does not stipulate the elements of exercising compulsion, and interpret through the law, compulsion is against a suspected or an accused will. This is not only the criminal justice thinking of pursued criminal offenses, but administrative prevention of deterrence of danger. Therefore, it has to quote from immediate coercion of the Administrative Law; nevertheless, it doesn't involved the dual function of the police and the concurrence of regulations which need to clarify.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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