


Research on the Criminal Law of False Information on the Internet


林書立(Lin, Shu-Li);吳志勇(Wu, Chih-Yung)


網路犯罪 ; 假訊息 ; 言論自由 ; 網路中立性 ; Cybercrime ; False Information ; Freedom of Speech ; Net Neutrality




67卷6期(2021 / 12 / 01)


111 - 137






The severity of the impact of false information in recent years is sufficient to change the outcome of a country's elections. In the 2020 U.S. election, the false information war has become fierce, causing news media and online social platforms to adopt self-regulatory measures to prevent the spread of false information. However, it has triggered controversies that violate freedom of speech, and the issue of false information has an urgent need for research. The first part of this article, about the differences between documents and Internet messages, compares the legal significance of Internet messages from the characteristics of the documents, and then understands the behavior of false information from the crime of forging documents and the crime of using forged documents, but the characteristics of the Internet have far-reaching influence beyond the documents, the real situation still needs to be clarified. In the second part, we try to define false information from the classification. According to the content of the message and the behavior of the actor, the classification is divided into disinformation behavior, misinformation behavior and fake news. To compare the protection of freedom of speech in the online world and the physical world, the purpose is to explore the true meaning of freedom on the protection of anonymous speech and the principle of "inviolability of editorial discretion" for news media from the judicial practice in Japan and the United States. The third part discusses whether the current legislative model of dangerous offenses and the effect of control measures will erode the modern democratic rule of law and violate the principle of modest restraint and responsibility of the criminal law. Finally, it is a synthesis of insights on the theme of false information crime, from legislation to self-discipline principles, and puts forward the research experience and suggestions of this article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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