


A Preliminary Study on the Regulation of Driving under the Influence Punishments for Active Service Men: Focusing on the Application of Armed Forces Punishment Act


李寧修(Lee, Ning-Hsiu)


現役軍人 ; 酒後駕車 ; 陸海空軍懲罰法 ; 國軍軍風紀維護實施規定 ; 司法院釋字第785號解釋 ; Active Service Men ; Drunk-Driving ; Armed Forces Punishment Act ; Act Upholding the Military Discipline Directions ; Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 785




67卷6期(2021 / 12 / 01)


41 - 61






Driving under the influence is one of the leading causes of current traffic accidents in Taiwan. Through rounds of law amendments over the last few years, Taiwan's regulators have gradually enhanced penalties toward driving under the influence violations, hoping this would successfully deter further driving under the influence cases from happening. However, when it comes to driving under the influence of any active service men, even when not reporting to duty at that moment, considering they are state actors, such action as driving under the influence will still cause strong damage to the image and reputation of the State. Therefore, besides imposing a higher duty of care standard, there is still the need to hold active service men liable for both criminal and administrative liabilities through the Armed Forces Punishment Act and the Criminal Code of the Armed Forces. Referring to the administrative liabilities, Taiwan also has the Act Upholding the Military Discipline Direction from the Ministry of National Defense for supplementary purposes, in order to implement more detailed penalties and standards. This article will focus on Taiwan's current driving under the influence regulations towards active service men, especially on the administrative liabilities based on the Application of Armed Forces Punishment Act. By reviewing potential disputes from enforcing the Armed Forces Punishment Act and the Act Upholding the Military Discipline Direction from the Ministry of National Defense, preliminary observation and suggestions will be provided in the article based on the principle of legal certainty, proportionality, and equality from the aspect of institutional justice. At the end of the day, Taiwan's current driving under the influence regulations and penalty system actually still have room for further improvement and advancement. Moreover, the organizational guarantees and procedural justice that active service men should receive in the punishment procedure, should also in response to the Judicial Yuan's Interpretation No. 785 be strengthened and clarified.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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