


Controversy over the Application of Observational Forced Rehabilitation on "Repeated Narcotics Offence after 3 Years" in accordance with The Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act-Comments on the verdict of Taishang Dazi No. 3826 in the year of 109 by the Supreme Court


許福生(Hsu, Fu-Seng)


施用毒品 ; 觀察勒戒 ; 強制戒治 ; 戒癮治療 ; 緩起訴 ; Use of Narcotics ; Observation and Forced Rehabilitation ; Compulsory Rehabilitation ; Narcotics Addiction Treatment ; Deferred Prosecution




68卷1期(2022 / 02 / 01)


20 - 45






The Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act that came into effect on 15 July 2020, expands the multiple treatment modes of deferred prosecution, so that prosecutors can use the deferred prosecution system more flexibly, and it also amends the provision of Item 1 of Article 35 as an excessive. Therefore, in order to implement the reform of lenient criminal policy, the so-called "repeated offence after 3 years" under Item 3 of Article 20 of the abovementioned Act, is based on the awareness that the narcotics users are treated more as "patients" than as "criminals", so it needs to place it as a priority to provide "treatment" inside and outside the institutions, and establish a "regular treatment" mode with alternate use of treatment and criminal penalty within and without. The time-point theory shall be observed, namely, it only needs to concern that at lease 3 years have elapsed since the defendant is released after completing his latest observation, forced or compulsory rehabilitation, and it shall not be affected by the prosecution, sentence or execution of another offence under Article 10 during that period. The verdict of Taishang Dazi No. 3826 in the year of 109 by the Supreme Court, with its legislative purpose to relax the application timing of observation, forced or compulsory rehabilitation, thus is quite acceptable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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