


The Interaction and Compromise of the Right to Life and the Right to Hospice


謝榮堂(Shieh, Jung-Tang)


生命權 ; 臨終權 ; 長期照顧權 ; 醫療自主權 ; 社會福利 ; Right to Life ; Right of Dying ; Right of Long-Term Care ; Right of Medical Autonomy ; Social Welfare




68卷2期(2022 / 04 / 01)


1 - 28






The rapid demographic changes in Taiwan's society, the rapid aging of the population structure and the dual development trend of declining birthrates, the need for care of the elderly and the chronically ill is increasing day by day. This is closely related to individuals, families, and the entire society. If it is not handled properly, it will be major survival issues and survival rights crisis. This article will take the protection of the right to life as the starting point, followed by the payment protection of the long-term care system for the elderly and the sick, and finally face the medical autonomy and boundaries before the end of life as an analysis, and put forward personal opinions and suggestions. It must be emphasized that the focus of this article is not the right to death, but the right to age gracefully and dying autonomy. According to Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of China, the state should establish relevant systems to guarantee it. Article 155 of the Constitution also stipulates that the state should implement a social insurance system for social welfare. The implementation of the social insurance system is the main method for social welfare. Article 10, Paragraph 7 of the Amendment of the Constitution stipulates that the state shall guarantee the insurance and medical treatment of the physically and mentally disabled, the construction of a barrier-free environment, the maintenance and assistance of life. Paragraph 8 of the same article also establishes that the state should attach importance to social welfare work such as social assistance, welfare services, national employment, social insurance, and medical care. The Constitution is divided into Chapter 2 basic rights and Chapter 13 basic national policies, social security and Article 10 of the Amendment of the Constitution, etc., with different aspects successively, requiring the state to provide the people with human dignity survival and continuity guarantee. Among them, social welfare matters belong to the state's obligation to take care of the people's life with human dignity. Therefore, in addition to the central government, local autonomous organizations that have a closer relationship with the people's lives should also be shared (refer to Article 18, Subparagraph 3, Item 1 of the Local Government Act). Therefore, how to properly plan the long-term care of the legal system and the end-of-life autonomous decision system is also becoming more important for the country and the entire people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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