


Analysis of the Constitutionality of Online Search: Commentary on Relevant Regulations of the German Code of Criminal Procedure


高國祐(Kao, Kuo-Yu)


科技偵查 ; 線上搜索 ; 私人生活核心領域 ; Technology Crime Investigation ; Online Search (Online-Durchsuchung) ; The Core Areas of the Private Life (Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung)




68卷2期(2022 / 04 / 01)


105 - 123






In the era of digital technology, criminal methods are innovating, thus leading to increasingly diverse crime patterns, all of which pose challenges to the effectiveness of criminal investigation. To tackle such challenges, in the newly-revised German Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung, StPO), investigative agencies are authorized to conduct online searches (Online-Durchsuchungen), which allow the implanting of Trojan horse malware to achieve the purpose of secret and comprehensive surveillance of the opposite party's use of the information technology system. In view of the serious interference of the aforementioned measure on the citizens' fundamental rights, it remains questionable whether the online search system conforms to the principle of proportionality, and this dispute is currently under trial of the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfG). To review the measure and relevant regulations, the present research first introduces the online search system in accordance with its legal framework. Building on the understanding of the system's legal framework and relevant regulations, the study then conducts a constitutionality review on the restrictions of fundamental rights incurred by the system. Such analysis seeks to shed light on the dispute over the constitutionality of the online search system, and can serve as reference guidelines when the reception and legalization of the system is to be adopted in Taiwan in the future. For example, the list of criminal offences (Straftatenkatalog) must be correspond to the particularly important set of legal interests and must be directly conducive to the effectiveness of the investigation of cybercrime. In terms of measure, in addition to the requirements of supplementary clauses, it is also necessary to note that the duration of interference must be limited in accordance with the specific details of the crime. What is more, it is obligatory that more rigorous legal means be provided to ensure that the core areas of the opposite party's private life (Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung) is not intruded.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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