


Study of the Modern Martial Law System in Japan-A Detailed Discussion One by One in the Act of Coping Measures of Armed Attack and Survival Crisis Situation


歐廣南(Ou, Kuang-Nan)


非常時期 ; 戒嚴法 ; 國家緊急權 ; 武力攻擊事態 ; 存立危機事態 ; Emergency Period ; Martial Law ; National Emergency Powers ; Armed Attack Situation ; Survival Crisis Situation




68卷2期(2022 / 04 / 01)


29 - 59






Most people study common law and despise the law of the emergency period, especially the study of martial law in the emergency period which there are very few books. If so, there are often more negative statements than positive ones. It is said that the martial law is the law to "bring order out of chaos", and it is also the ultimate means of restoring the state and constitutional order in emergency period. Also known as Japan's modern martial law, on the timeline, the research focuses on the more modern and advanced armed attack situation passed post-war in 2003 and Act on coping measures to deal with the survival crisis situation that was revised and added in 2015. In terms of content, it excludes the exercise of the so-called narrow national emergency powers beyond the non-military nature of natural disasters, man-made accidents, and civil strife in the traditional martial law. The biggest feature is that in addition to focusing on traditional martial law to exclude foreign aggression, it also takes into account modern constitution to protect citizens from harm. Therefore, it is often said that "the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law", which is the main purpose of this article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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