


An Exploration of the Death Row Prisoner with Mental Disorders in Criminal Punishment: Focusing on the Establishment of Early Warning Mechanism


林金龍(Lin, Chin-Lung)


精神障礙 ; 死刑 ; 兩公約 ; 法律保留原則 ; 預警機制 ; Mental Disorder ; Death Penalty ; Two Conventions (ICCPR and ICESCR) ; Principle of Legal Reservation ; Early Warning Mechanism




68卷2期(2022 / 04 / 01)


86 - 104






With the occurrence of several murder cases, the judges have mostly cited ICCPR and ICESCR as the reason that the person with mental disorders shall not receive death penalty. Therefore, the person with mental disorders may escape the death penalty in murder case. The court's judgment has not only caused an uproar, but also aroused much public's discussions, which focus on how to identify the person with mental disorders in criminal law. So, the issue worth thinking is how to design a legal mechanism which may balance the legal interests between victims and the person with mental disorders, and prevent it from happening again. The aim of this article is to explore how to create an effective early warning mechanism for the crimes with mental disorders. The research results of this article show that the legal arguments shall not focus on the two conventions (ICCPR and ICESCR) regarding whether or not the person with mental disorders in death penalty. It is better to create the early warning mechanism in legal system. If not, it will be useless for the dispute resolution and losing time. Consequently, about the crimes with mental disorders, the government shall actively and timely disclose relevant information for people under the principle of legal reservation. Only in this way, we can effectively and timely prevent the crimes with mental disorders before they happen again. At the same time, the legal interests can be balanced between victims and the person with mental disorders with each other.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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