


A Comparative Study of Anti -Stalking Law in Germany and Taiwan


林宜謙(Lin, Yi-Chien)


跟蹤騷擾(跟騷) ; 網路跟蹤騷擾 ; 跟蹤騷擾軟體 ; Stalking ; Cyberstalking ; Stalkerware




68卷4期(2022 / 08 / 01)


116 - 135






As technology develops, so does the pattern of stalking and harassment. In response, Germany proposes an amendment to Article 238 of the German Criminal Code in order to combat the new types of cyberstalking and stalkerware. Compared with the criminal punishment of stalking and harassment in Taiwan, which has just started, Germany incorporated stalking and harassment into the Criminal Code as early as 2007. After 15 years and two revisions of the law, many discussions have been accumulated in the German jurisdiction. On October 1, 2021, Germany carried out the latest legal amendment on the crime of stalking and harassment (Nachstellung) in Article 238 of its Criminal Code. This article will briefly introduce the legislative background and development of the crime of stalking and harassment in Article 238 of the German Criminal Code, and focus on the analysis of the latest amendment in Germany. Taiwan officially announced on December 1, 2021, after long discussions by the ruling and opposition parties, the stalking and harassment prevention law. With its implementation on June 1, 2022, this article hopes to put forward suggestions for the future development of Taiwan's anti-stalking law by comparing Article 238 of the German Criminal Code with the anti-stalking law in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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