


A Study of Criminal Liability about Web Crawler


劉瑩(Liu Ying)


網路爬蟲 ; 刑事責任 ; 電腦犯罪 ; 秘密 ; 著作權 ; Web Crawler ; Criminal Liability ; Computer Crime ; Secret ; Copyright




68卷4期(2022 / 08 / 01)


78 - 115






In the information age, Web Crawler is widely used in various fields for data mining and collection. While Web Crawler shows obvious advantages, it also has the possibility of infringing on legal interests such as secrets, property and national security. Therefore, the law can not only regard the use of Web Crawler as neutral behavior, and it must be properly evaluated. However, what kinds of use of Web Crawler should be regulated by criminal law and what kinds of criminal responsibility should be borne are still inconclusive. This article attempts to combine the operating principles of Web Crawler and actual cases to summarize the current behavior patterns of improper use of Web Crawler, and to explore which acts should undertake the criminal responsibility. It also discusses the applicable crimes through the analysis of relevant criminal constitutional elements, and clarifies the boundary between the crime and non-crime of Web Crawler. Furthermore, considering that not all acts of using Web Crawler have legal interest infringement or penalty necessity, and there is no obvious deficiency in regulating the illegal acts with the current criminal law. Therefore, there is no need to legislate a special law for Web Crawler.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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