In modern society, corporates bring us huge economic benefits, but it also has the possibility of causing injury to others, especially common nuisance like food safety or environmental pollution occurred recently. "whether or a corporate can be a subject of crime" is an issue faced by countries all over the world. There is no definition of corporate crime in our main criminal law, but according to our subsidiary criminal law, there are a lot of articles about the punishment to corporates. Apparently, the legislation has clearly recognized that a corporate is a qualified criminal subject. The most common patterns of legislation of corporate criminal are the two penalties. Under the two penalties, natural persons are sentenced to imprisonment, and corporates are fined by regulations at the same time. However, according to the Principle of Culpability, natural persons are only responsible for their own unlawful and culpable behavior, and corporates are only responsible for their own unlawful and culpable behavior. But our criminal law does not specify under what circumstances corporates shall take criminal liability and how to identify the criminal behavior of corporates. This study intends to use theories of "organizational fault" as the theoretical basis to establish the corporate criminal liability, as well as to make suggestions on the patterns of legislation of corporate criminal and the types of criminal penalties, to achieve the objective of prevention of corporate crime. The law must keep pace with the development of society, not just stick to the rules. In order to avoid being out of touch with the society, the criminal law should adjust the existing legal viewpoints in a timely manner, and think about how to respond to the legal problems of the new era with an innovative perspective. Only in this way can the criminal law continue to realize the function of protecting legal interest.
釋字第 654號解釋
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日本刑法第 8 條
最高法院 72 年度台上字第 4481 號判例
最高法院 70 年度台上字第 6902 號刑事判決
環境影響評估法第 22 條
最高法院 103 年度台上字第 2282 號刑事判決
信託業法第 48 條第 2 項
最高法院 82 年度台上字第 1704 號刑事判決
「歐洲人權公約」(European Convention on Human Rights)
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我國營業秘密法第 13 條之 4 立法理由。
日本最高裁判所昭和 40 年 3 月 26 日判決,刑集 19 卷 2 號,頁 83。
最高法院 110 年度台非字第 31 號刑事判決
最高法院 29 年度上字第 89 號判例
刑法第 12 條第 2 項
最高法院 82 年度台上字第 1328 號刑事判決
公平交易法第 37 條第 2 項
最高法院 109 年度台上字第 2076 號刑事判決
日本大審院昭和 10 年 11 月 25 日判決,刑集 14 卷,頁 1217。
最高法院 93 年度台上字第 251 號刑事判決
最高法院 71 年度台上字第 4233 號刑事判決
釋字第 653號解釋
最高法院 91 年度台上字第 6980 號刑事判決
食品安全衛生管理法第 49 條第 5 項
最高法院 87 年度台上字第 1974 號刑事判決
最高法院 70 年度台上字第 547 號刑事判決
最高法院 98 年度台上字第 6180 號刑事判決
「公民與政治權利國際公約」(The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)
最高法院 72 年度台上字第 4190 號判例
最高法院 83 年度台上字第 2610 號刑事判決
最高法院 86 年度台覆字第 79 號刑事判決
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