


Analysis of Offenses of Obstructing an Officer in Discharge of Duties in Article 135 of the Criminal Law


黃惠婷(Huang, Huei-Ting);陳英淙(Chen, Ying-Chung)


公務員 ; 依法執行職務 ; 強暴 ; 脅迫 ; Public Official ; Perform Duties in Accordance with the Law ; Violence ; Threats




68卷6期(2022 / 12 / 01)


85 - 115






In order to realize the specific will of the state, public officials perform their duties to exercise public power against specific people or things, and impose coercive measures when necessary. The legal interest of this crime is the lawful exercise of the public power of the state, the prestige of the executive action of the state or the agency, and the monopoly of the public power of the state. Therefore, the definition of the public official of this crime should be interpreted under this normative purpose. The conviction of this crime is that the offender employs violence or threats against a public official engaging in the performance of his duties, and the "legality" of the duties should be determined by the specific content of the duties performed by the public official, according to the relevant laws and regulations when performing the duties. Not only must the public official have authority over his duties, but also the specific act must fall within the scope of specific authority. Violence is a physical influence, directly or indirectly, on the public official exercising public power with the purpose of obstructing or making it difficult to perform official duties. If just passive inaction, noncooperation, or reflexive blocking, doesn't belong to. Threat is the notification to a public official by an imminent act of violence. It is a psychological influence, and its coercive effect must occur in the performance of official duties. Because this crime is a special provision of Coercion, the threat of obstructing official duties should not be just a sensitive evil, but contain violence. Driving a powered vehicle or carrying a weapon or other dangerous items with intent to use has been amended as an aggravating element of this crime for the purpose of safeguarding the life and health of public officials performing their duties in accordance with the law.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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