


A Study for Practice Model of Restorative Justice in Juvenile


李瑞典(Li, Jui-Tien)


修復式司法 ; 少年事件 ; 人性尊嚴 ; 少年最佳利益 ; 衝突調解模式 ; Restorative Justice ; Juvenile Justice ; Human Dignity ; Juvenile's Best Interest ; Conflict Mediation




68卷6期(2022 / 12 / 01)


149 - 184






There are multiple viewpoints and different process models of restorative justice. Its tolerance and humanization have been conceptualized as an implementation of social justice theory and human dignity. It provides a positive and active approach for the victims and the inmates to confront the crimes. Therefore, international organizations proactively encourage countries to use it, and many countries even have enforced this concept through legislation. Although implemented restorative justice has been for a decade and has been legislated already in our country, because of people's lack of understanding and the negative attitude of relative judicial personnel, its utilization toward criminal cases appears disproportionately. This study attempts to propose a systematic practice model based on the restorative practice experience of juvenile criminal cases and prove the effectiveness of the practice model through empirical research. Hopefully, it can arouse people's understanding and trust in restorative justice, enhance the judicial personnel's confidence, more importantly, help the juvenile inmates comprehensively develop their self-growth and correct their character. This study's empirical evidence is based on juvenile incident referrals from Taipei District Court and conducts questionnaires and interviews. The study found that we adopted the conflict mediation model in the case and the follow-up data showed positive evaluation. It suggests that restorative justice can carry out this model for juvenile incidents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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