


The Changes and Developments Through the Trade Agreements to Protect Individual Labor Conditions


周怡(Chou, Yi)


貿易相關措施 ; 勞工條款 ; 合作安排 ; 爭端解決機制 ; 漁業補貼協議 ; Trade-Related Measure ; Labor Standard Provisions ; Cooperation Arrangement ; Dispute Settlement ; Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies




69卷1期(2023 / 02 / 01)


102 - 126






Labor is an indispensable element of products. For the special purposes, a lot of States sometimes expand the literally meaning of legal term that special clause used in trade agreement as a tool to promote the domestic social values to trade-partners. It often leads to criticism of unilateral trade protectionism. To respond this scenarios, some scholars suggested WTO might officially declare the particular textual meanings or cooperate with ILO to deal with the cross-sectors disputes to refrain the argument lasting. Base on the traditional and conservative legal grounds, the WTO Singapore and Doha Ministerial Declarations affirmed among other things, that the ILO was the competent body to set and deal with international labor standards and terminated the academic arguments. As the research presented by ILO, it becomes a trend towards using particular labor provisions to promote social sustainability in labor standards, with legally enforceable commitments such as bilateral or multilateral trade agreements. This approach also demonstrated in the trade rules negotiation. This study tries analyzing the legal grounds, summarize international practice patterns and draw conclusions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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