With the rapid development of digital technology, the practice of dispute resolution faces the changing circumstances of digital society.Under the impact of COVID pandemic, spurs the need to develop a simple,expeditious and remote dispute resolution. This article focuses on civil online dispute resolution (hereinafter"ODR").This article shows the meaning and types of ODR and introduces the experiences of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Australia) and British Columbia’s Civil Resolution Tribunal (Canada),whose ODR systems have been well established. This article demonstrates the necessity for Taiwan to establish online dispute resolution, so that disputes can be resolved conveniently and expeditiously. The design of ODR platform should be human-centered and multi-tier dispute resolution and allowing the parties to have opportunities to resolve disputes by consensus before litigation. Finally, under the premise to safeguard the due process, the right to procedural disposition for the proceeding of initiation, conduct and relief, how should online dispute resolution be built, ultimately improving the accessibility and efficiency of the judicial system.
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