


The Remedy and the Defense Attorney's Right of Taking Notes at the Stage of Criminal Investigation - Comment to Constitutional Court Judgment 111 Year Hsien-Pan-Tzi No.7


陳明賢(Chen, Ming-Hsien)


偵查中辯護權 ; 偵查中筆記權 ; 憲法法庭111年憲判字第7號判決 ; the Right of Defense at the Stage of Criminal Investigation ; the Right of Taking Notes at the Stage of Criminal Investigation ; Constitutional Court Judgment 111 Year Hsien-Pan-Tzi No.7




69卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


93 - 121






On May 27^(th) 2022, the Constitutional Court rendered the judgment 111 Year Hsien-Pan-Tzi No.7 in favor of defense attorney's right of taking notes at the stage of criminal investigation. It has been 5 years and 8 months since the case was filed in the Conference of Justices of the Judicial Yuan in September 2016. This constitutional judgment is the first case, that a defense attorney has the legal standing to being a petitioner in a constitutional case and successfully lodged a petition with the Constitutional Court for a judgment declaring the law unconstitutional. This thesis introduces the regulation development of attorney's right of taking notes at first. The second part discusses the constitutional basis of attorney's right and analyzes the constitutionality of relative restrictions. Then, the next part introduces the litigation history of the cause case and reviews the holding of the constitutional judgment. At the end, this thesis intends to give some preliminary suggestions to improve the interactions between defense attorneys and prosecutors. An ancient legal maxim states: where there is a right, there is a remedy. Generally, the law does not countenance a situation where a person has a legal right but no means of enforcing it. The law provides a means. Back to this constitutional judgment, for the purpose of controlling the legality and legitimacy of the restriction and prohibition orders pursuant to Article 245 Paragraph 2 of Code of Criminal Procedure, this thesis indicates that allowing the defense attorney to file a lawsuit could be considered a more suitable solution rather than using the Exclusionary Rule. Besides, this thesis suggests that the attorney's fundamental right of work should be confirmed by constitutional court. With this fundamental right, the defense attorney may individually file a lawsuit against the restriction and prohibition made by the prosecutor or the judicial police officer.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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