


Reexaming the Administrative Regulatory Model in the Assembly and Parade Act:Centered on Occasional and Emergent Assembly and Parade


李寧修(Lee, Ning-Hsiu)


偶發性集會遊行 ; 緊急性集會遊行 ; 司法院釋字第445號解釋 ; 司法院釋字第718號解釋 ; 禁制區 ; Occasional Assembly and Parade ; Emergent Assembly and Parade ; Judicial Yuan (J.Y.) Interpretation No.445 ; Judicial Yuan (J.Y.) Interpretation No.718 ; Restricted Area




69卷3期(2023 / 06 / 01)


13 - 34






The freedom of the assembly and parade act as the fundamental rights enumerated in the constitution plays an important role during the history of democratic development. In Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.445 and No.718, both of them used to expound on the boundary and limit which should be followed for the regulation of occasional or emergent assembly and parade; however, the assembly and parade act still have no corresponding amendment so far. The amendment of the assembly and parade act which was suggested by the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan both changed the prior approval system to the prior reporting system or the voluntary reporting system, but whether the both amendment editions accorded with the constitutional gist of protecting the occasional and emergent assembly and parade, this is still worth researching. First, from the view of the constitution, this article aims to clarify the meaning and functions of freedom of the assembly and parade as fundamental rights in the constitution. Second, take stock of the current assembly and parade act to present the current regulation structure of the occasional and emergent assembly and parade as well as the relevant disputes from which it might be derived. Three selected topics for the occasional and emergent assembly or parade will be discussed: the restricted areas of holding assembly or parade, the recognition of the responsible person and the limits of preventive regulations. At the same time, the current important amendment's content and their differences will also be compared. Finally, this article will put forward personal observations and suggestions, including confirming the core value of the legal system of assembly and parade, intensifying the principle of clarity and definiteness of law and statutory reservation, facing squarely the constitutional meaning of the held locations for the assembly and parade, and slightly untie the prior obligation of cooperate. Through the research, in addition to responding to the gist of the assembly and parade that the Judicial Yuan interpretations have revealed to indemnify and look forward to providing the reference for amendment in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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