


Learning from Others' Strong Points: The Experience of Rehabilitation Protection in New South Wales, Australia


李瑞典(Li, Jui-Tien)


更生保護 ; 更生人 ; 復歸社會 ; 全程照護 ; Rehabilitation Protection ; Rehabilitated People ; Reintegration into Society ; Comprehensive Care




69卷3期(2023 / 06 / 01)


35 - 68






Rehabilitated people who have gone through the criminal justice system are often labeled negatively, particularly with the stigmatization of prison branding. They face numerous challenges and obstacles when trying to reintegrate into society, thus increasing their chances of reoffending and imprisonment. According to Australian statistics, New South Wales's correctional system is the biggest in Australia, and in recent years, the growth rate of the prison population has significantly declined. The success of the correction system in this state is representative and worth learning. In Taiwan, however, the recidivism rate among rehabilitated people remains high. Therefore, implementing rehabilitation protection and preventive reoffending are critical issues in criminal justice policy. This study explores and compares the rehabilitation protection system in New South Wales and Taiwan from a legal and organizational perspective, followed by an explanation of the challenges in the rehabilitation protection system in Taiwan. Finally, this article proposes six recommendations for the future reform of Taiwan's rehabilitation protection system: (1) moderately review the diversion of voluntary and compulsory rehabilitation protection; (2) reconstruct the positioning of prosecution and correctional agencies in rehabilitation protection, as well as raise public awareness of rehabilitation and protection; (3) specify the deadline for submitting rehabilitation protection applications and focus on inmates released from prison; (4) establish a comprehensive care system that deepens case counseling for rehabilitation protection; (5) review the guidelines for rehabilitation protection work; and (6) explicitly designate restorative justice referrals as rehabilitation protection measures.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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