After the amendment of Article 185-4 of the Criminal Law in 2021, the crime of fleeing in a traffic accident will be subject to different penalties according to the degree of death and injury caused by the traffic accident. According to t he legislative explanation for the amendment and most practical opinions, the legal interests protected by this crime are immediate ambulance, maintenance of traffic safety and clarification of responsibility for the accident. However, the protection of multiple legal interests has been criticized by the academic community, as immediate ambulance is a personal legal interest, but it is stipulated in the chapter of offenses against public safety, which is a misplaced system. In order to maintain traffic safety and clarify the responsibility for the accident, the parties involved in the accident are required to have the obligation to notify the police, which violates the principle of non-self-incrimination. Moreover, it cannot be concluded from the meaning of "fleeing" that the parties involved in the accident have multiple obligations, which is against the principle of legal certainty. The act of this crime is "fleeing", it means leaving the scene of a traffic accident. When the perpetrator flees the scene, the crime is accomplished. The element of "traffic accident" is a behavioral condition that the perpetrator has to know. As for what kind of injury or death result caused by the accident, it is an objective criminality condition that the perpetrator does not need to know. Because the subject of this crime is limited to those who drive a motor vehicle and cause a traffic accident, the principal offender of this crime must commit the crime himself, and others can only be a solicitor or accessory. When the principal offender f led the scene and consummate of offense, others drove him away, not constitute an accessory, but constitute the offense of concealment of offenders.