


Research and Analysis on the Contentious Issues of Criminal Code of the Armed Forces Article 49


李瑞典(Li, Ruei-Dian);許景棠(Hsu, Jing-Tang)


陸海空軍刑法 ; 對上官強暴 ; 軍事法益 ; 刑法謙抑原則 ; 情狀可憫恕 ; Criminal Code of the Armed Forces ; Assault of Higher Ranking Officer ; Military Legal Interests ; Restraining Criminal Law Principle ; Extenuating Circumstances




69卷4期(2023 / 09 / 01)


46 - 66






Military discipline is the most important part of the military. The military must have serious military discipline to ensure the maintenance of combat effectiveness and achieve victory. The most direct expression of maintaining military discipline is obedience to position and rank. The authority produced by rank and position is present in the lives, training, and duties of soldiers, which standardizes and teamifies their activities and pushes them to surpass physical and psychological limits. To uphold the core value of the position of rank and position in military legal interests, individuals who undermine the dignity of rank and position are punished by military criminal laws in various countries. Article 49 of Criminal Code of the Armed Forces also explicitly states "Assault of Higher Ranking Officers". Recently, there have been frequent cases of injuries caused by disputes between soldiers with intimate relationships due to private matters. Because of the difference in rank between the parties, the courts have sentenced the offense as violence against a superior officer. This judgment reflects the necessity of maintaining military discipline, but it also raises questions about whether it violates the principle of restraint in criminal law. Furthermore, Article 51 of Criminal Code of the Armed Forces provides for a reduction in punishment for offenses that are extenuating circumstances. However, in cases where improper discipline by a superior officer causes subordinates to commit violence against them, although there may be "extenuating circumstances", the court chooses to apply Article 59 of the Criminal Law to reduce the sentence rather than Article 51 of Criminal Code of the Armed Forces. This raises questions about the appropriateness of this judgment. This article discusses these issues through literature analysis, examines related practical judgments, and proposes suggestions for the revision of Criminal Code of the Armed Forces by introducing foreign legal precedents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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