


Li Tian-Chun's Morality and Study on Buddhism in Taiwan


邱敏捷(Min-Chieh Chiu)


李添春 ; 齋教 ; 臺灣佛教 ; 佛教改革 ; 美濃 ; Li Tian-Chun ; Chinese religions of fasting ; Buddhism in Taiwan ; reform of Buddhism ; Meinong




9卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


30 - 53






Li Tian-Chun is a pioneer in the study on Chinese religions of fasting in Taiwan in the Japanese ruling period and a Buddhist scholar in the Japanese ruling period and at the beginning of Taiwan restoration. At the age of fifteen, he chose to become a monk at Lingquan Temple, Keelung, but resumed the secular life because he couldn't get used to life in the temple afterward. During studying in Japan, he studied in Komazawa University and became an apprentice of Kaiten Nukariya, deeply influenced by him in thinking. After finishing studying and returning to Taiwan, he was entrusted by Culture and Education Bureau of Taiwan Government House to serve as the teaching assistant of Department of Agricultural Economics, Taihoku Imperial University, and the associate professor and professor of College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University. Li conducts research on different perspectives including the publications and origin of the religions of fasting in Taiwan and the qualifications and statuses of the monks and followers. In terms of the reform on the thinking of Buddhism in Taiwan, he not only focuses on upgrading the spirit and content of Mahayana Buddhism and promotes "This place is pure land" but also pays attentions to the reform of the temple manager system to increase the temple functions. As for the Japanese Buddhism in Taiwan, he holds the suspicious and critical attitude. Take Lin De-Lin's new Buddhist business for example. Li explains that the culture and spirit of the Japanese Buddhism is totally contrary to those of the Taiwanese Buddhism. Indeed, Li devotes a lot of energy and hard work to the research and reform of Buddhism in Taiwan and therefore has a great influence. In conclusion, he contributes to and plays an important role in the research and the cultural development of Buddhism in Taiwan in the twentieth century.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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