


The Study of Relationship among Brand Value Perception of Handmade Soap, Customer Satisfaction, Consumer Inertia and Repurchase Intention




郭彥谷(Kuo,Yen-Ku);魏筱昀(Wei, Siao-Yun);郭宗賢(Kuo, Tsung-Hsien);田寒光(Tien, Han-Kuang)


手工皂 ; 品牌知覺價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 消費慣性 ; 再購意願 ; handmade soap ; brand perceived value ; customer satisfaction ; spending habits ; repurchase intention




4卷2期(2020 / 11 / 15)


23 - 45






Personal cleaning is a fundamental part of modern people's lives, whether it's for hands, body, hair, etc., it's easy to find cleaning products that can be applied. In the process of cleaning products, there is a growing desire for more natural and effective cleaning products, which has led to business opportunities and fierce competition among various soap brands. This study investigates the customer attitudes of various brands of soaps in the market to understand the correlation between brand perceived value, customer satisfaction, consumer inertia, and the willingness to repurchase. The results of this study can provide a reference for the soap industry to focus more on the impact of brand effectiveness on customers, in addition to product development and quality, for subsequent branding strategies.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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