


A Study of Passengers' Attitude toward Using on In-Flight Entertainment: The Approach of Relative Advantage as Mediator




陳麗珍(Chen, LiChen);吳季穎(Wu, ChiYing);林沛蓉(Lin, PeiRong);林姿含(Lin, TzuHan);張念慈(Chang, NienTzu);陳筠涵(Chen, YunHan)


知覺娛樂性 ; 相對優勢 ; 機上娛樂視聽設備 ; Perceived Playfulness ; Relative Advantage ; In-Flight Entertainment




5卷1期(2022 / 08 / 01)


95 - 113




拜科技之賜,自攜型智慧型裝置(PED, Personal Electronic Device)與行動網路之普及,PED結合機艙聯網服務,成為窄體客機機上娛樂部署策略與服務新型態,是否進而可取代昂貴且耗油成本之椅背式有線裝置?航空業者應瞭解搭機旅客對於客艙娛樂設備之使用態度與其相關影響因素,始能掌握與其他航空公司競爭之重要關鍵。本研究計畫以相對優勢理論與文獻蒐集為論述基礎,建構概念型研究架構,進行量化實證分析,嘗試探討搭機旅客對於知覺娛樂性、資訊品質、相對優勢三者變項,影響搭機旅客使用機艙娛樂設備的使用態度之關聯性研究。本研究將採用問卷調查法進行問卷資料蒐集,以統計軟體SPSS 22.0視窗版進行路徑分析(Pass Analysis),分析搭機旅客在三個變項、與機艙娛樂系統使用態度之相關性及影響程度;同時亦檢驗相對優勢分別在知覺娛樂性、資訊品質、與使用態度間是否具有中介之影響效果。研究結果證實,四變項間皆有顯著之關聯性,知覺娛樂性、資訊品質、相對優勢,對使用態度具有正向顯著性之影響;其中相對優勢分別對於知覺娛樂性與資訊品質具有中介之影響效果。研究結果發現與建議,對於航空業者在機上加值服務、智慧型機艙設計成本與收益提供應用性實務參考與建議,與相關研究領域有學術價值之貢獻。


By taking advantage of the popularity usage of mobile device, could IFE be replaced for the deployment cost of seatback screen by cabin Wi-Fi service? Hence, the attitude toward using of passengers on IFE and its influencing factors become the key of cost strategy of airlines, especially on single-aisle aircraft due to the short haul characteristic. Based on the theory of relative advantage and literature review, this research build up a conceptual research framework and proceed quantitative empirical analysis, the study tries to explore the relevance of the passengers' perceptions of perceived playfulness, information quality, and relative advantage to attitude toward using on IFE. This empirical research adapted a questionnaire survey method to collect data and by using the method of purposive sampling selection, a total 250 valid questionnaires were administrated and collected for path analysis with statistical software SPSS 22.0 version. It is confirmed that there were significant correlations among the four variables, and the perceived entertainment, information quality, and relative advantage had positive influences on attitude toward using; and the relative advantage has the effect of mediation between perceived entertainment and information quality respectfully. Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, references and recommendations for air transportation industry and other practical sectors could be applied for IFE deployment strategy and smart cabin equipped design.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 交通運輸工程
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