


Developing and Validating the Service- Learning Outcome Questionnaire




趙國玉(Kuo-Yu Chao);劉麗美(Li-Mei Liu);馬學嘉(Carol Hok Ka Ma);劉杏元(Hsing-Yuan Liu)


服務學習成效 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 信效度 ; service-learning outcome ; confirmatory factor analysis ; reliability and validity




1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


19 - 38




服務學習推動品質與成效評量在台灣已逐漸受到重視,且有不少服務學習量表的編製與產出,但各有其優缺點,本研究採用馬學嘉(2015)運用之共同結果測量問卷(Common Outcome Measurement Questionnaire),翻譯並檢驗問卷信效度。為克服翻譯後可能導致與原量表的意義不相符,本研究先以Brislin翻譯量表兩階段設計,進行量表的雙向翻譯及專家內容效度檢定,最後採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣,選擇台灣北部某科技大學修讀服務習課程學生共388人,驗證此量表之信效度。結果顯示:(1)表面效度達4.13-4.19分(滿分五分);(2)專家效度佳(CVI 93.4%);(3)內在一致性Cronbach's Alpha各分量表分數0.86- 0.93,整體量表內在一致性達0.98;(4)使用驗證性因素分析,34/36題標準化因素負荷量可達0.7以上,餘2題分別為0.66及0.36(該題為真實度測試故予以保留)。GFI為.844、AGFI為.800,NFI及NNFI皆可達0.9以上,顯示問卷包含九個穩定的潛在變項,亦即自我認識及自信、溝通技巧、問題解決能力、公民參與及社會責任、團隊技能、自我反思、知識應用、關愛他人、跨文化能力。其理論模式具有可接受的整體適配度,及良好的信度與建構效度,因此是一份合適且可做為服務學習成效評量的調查工具,可提供未來進一步研究時應用。


Service-Learning has been widely adopted among higher education institutions in Taiwan since 2007. There are several questionnaires to evaluate Service-Learning outcome, but each may has its own strengths and weaknesses. The main purpose of this study is to validate the Chinese version of Common Outcome Measurement Questionnaire on Service-Learning. The researcher school has been chosen for prelimary study. The original questionnaire was written in English. To overcome the translation of the Chinese scale may lead to the meaning of the original scale does not match, a Brislin's questionnaire translation design was used. At first, translation to Chinese and back translation to English were done. The second step was to invite an expert panel examining the content of the Chinese version questionnaire. Finally, a crosssectional study design and purposeful sampling were used to validate the Chinese version questionnaire. A total of 388 students completing Service-Learning courses from a university in northern Taiwanin were participated in this study. The results showed: (1) the face validity was 4.13-4.19; (2) the CVI for content validity was good (93.4%); (3) The Cronbach's Alpha assessing for internal consistence for each 9 subscales was from 0.86 to 0.93; the Cronbach's Alpha for overall was 0.98. (4) factor loading for 34 out of 36 items were over 0.7, the remaining two items were 0.66 and 0.36 respectively. The one with loading factor 0.36 was remained because of its assessing for genius. GFI was .844、AGFI was 0.800, both NFI and NNFI were over 0.9. Overall, this questionnaire with good reliability and validity which could be used as an assessment tool for evaluating Service-Learning courses. More evidences should be collected in the future in order to improve the service-learning quality and students' learning outcomes. Also, the questionnaire can further provide research applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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