


My Days at the Psychiatric Center: A Narrative Study of A Participant in Service-Learning Activities




蔡昕璋(Hsin-chang Tsai)


服務學習 ; 反思 ; 敘說 ; 生命故事 ; service-learning ; reflection ; narrative research ; life stories




1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


39 - 64






"Reflection" is an important process during the service-learning experiences. Through thick descriptions, we may enrich the link of self-experiences; constructing stories also gives the meanings of our life courses. The field of this paper is a psychiatric center (mental hospital), which based on the personal service-learning experiences and reflection process of the researcher. After sorting out the contexts of the 10 stories, the researcher believes that the psychopaths are also "whole persons", not "disorders"; and they just perform their lives in different forms to the world. These findings help the researcher to break his stereotypes and to promote the citizenship of psychopaths. The experiences are expected to be shared with similarly-experienced service learners and instructors. Also, the researcher is looking forward to opening the service-learning research by narrative study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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